GCP Learning Series _ App Engine Part 2



This blog will show how to setup Cloud SDK in your local machine, configuring docker , create docker image and push it to Container Registry

Cloud SDK Installation

To install Cloud SDK, Python3 is pre-requisite.

Please install Python, using brew

brew install python3

Then download the tar file : google-cloud-sdk-350.0.0-darwin-x86_64.tar

Unzip it and then run below command to do Cloud SDK installation

Cloud Authentication

Need to run below command to do authentication

gcloud auth login

the above command, will open up the gcloud console and need to give your consent there to access gcloud console

Building a sample application and push it to Container Registry


To build and dockerize the application, please refer to : https://medium.com/@bharathy.poovalingam/spring-boot-with-docker-d4129a353f87

Note : here , need to tag the image, that match to gcr registry as shown below

Syntax : gcr.io/PROJ_ID/folder/image_name

Authorizing Docker

Need to run below command to authorize docker to push image to Google Cloud Container Registry

gcloud auth configure-docker

Pushing the image to Container Registry

Login to gcloud console and navigate to Container Registry section, to view the image been pushed there.

to be continued… ( Deploying the image to Google App Engine )

Happy Learning !

Bharathy Poovalingam

#GCP #Learning #Serverless #AppEngine